Coverage of events Committee for the Restoration of the Statehood of the Peoples of the North Caucasus

Coverage of events Committee for the Restoration of the Statehood of the Peoples of the North Caucasus


Akhmed Zakayev. Congratulations on the Day of the Circassian People!

Paul Goble. Congratulations on the Day of the Circassian People!

Maria Mezentseva. Congratulations on the Day of the Circassian People!

Aset Sabb. Congratulations on the Day of the Circassian People!

Shamil Albakov. Congratulations on the Day of the Circassian People!

📣Oleksiy Goncharenko. Speech at the UN on the North Caucasus

📣Iyad Youghar. Chairman of the Committee of the Peoples of the North Caucasus. Speech at the UN

📣Ahmed Zakayev at the UN called for recognition of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria as temporarily occupied by Russia

Akhmed Zakaev, Iyad Youghar, Chamil Albakov speak at United Nations on North Caucasus

Janusz Bugajski. Russia's Rupture. Speech at the Italian Senate

Inna Kurochkina. Speech in Italian Senate. Russia has always been an empire

Alexey Goncharenko. We need tanks, not declarations. Speech in the Italian Senate

Russian hole in a hut. Inna Kurochkina. Speech in the Italian Senate

Akhmed Zakaev. Speech in Italian Senat. 11.12.2023. Rome

Akhmed Zakaev. Meeting with Members of the Italian Parliament

Shamil Albakov. Speech in the Italian Senate

Akhmed Zakaev in the Italian Senate on December 11. Chechens and the Free Caucasus (Russian translation)

Akhmed Zakaev. Ichkeria is in the spotlight in Rome. Adriano Sofri's book about Chechnya

Akhmed Zakaev. Heated debate in Rome. Radicali Italiani

Akhmed Zakaev in the Roman Mosque. Anniversary of the war on December 11

You are only now beginning to understand the Chechens. The most powerful speech of Ibragim Ibragimov

Iyad Youghar. Chairman's Speech in European Parliament. Resolution

Nusret Bas & Hakan Cinaz. Representatives of Circassian People. Speech in Turkish

Michael Barsik. Vice Chairman of the International Circassian Council. USA

Murad Quandour. Chairman of the Committee for the RSPNC. USA

Shaher Shabso. Israel. Representative of the Circassian People in the European Parliament

A unique speech about the Caucasus in the European Parliament. Juraj Mesik. Honorary Consul of Ichkeria in Slovakia

Francesco Benedetti in the European Parliament. Russian translation

Francesco Benedetti. Italian Historian and Writer, Expert on North Caucasus in European Parliament

Adel Bashqawi. Circassian Writer. Vice Chairman of the Committee for RSPNC. European Parliament

Circassian writer from Jordan in the European Parliament. Adel Bashqawi.

Rasa Jukneviciene. Member of the European Parliament on the Future of the North Caucasus

Raphaël Glucksmann. Speech at the European Parliament

Chamil Albakov. Speech at the European Parliament.

It will happen soon! The Caucasus without Russia. Ilya Ponomarev at the Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus in the European Parliament

Free Caucasus. Oleg Dunda. Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the European Parliament

Free Dagestan is represented in the European Parliament. Akhmad Akhmedov. Kyiv

Only here you will learn how the Head of the Committee was elected, the Declaration was prepared and the Commission was created

Amazing speech by the delegate of Ingushetia to the European Parliament. Shamil Albakov

Speeches by congress participants with translation into Russian and English. The first day. The first part, preparation of the congress resolution.

North Caucasus at European Parliament. Akhmed Zakaev, Anna Fotyga, Iyad Youghar

Speech about Chechnya in the European Parliament. Raphael Glucksman. Member of the European Parliament for France

Incredible! For the first time, the European Parliament opened its doors to the Caucasus

The fateful Congress of the Peoples of the North Caucasus in the European Parliament. Oleg Dunda Member of the Rada of Ukraine

Aset Sabb. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ChRI. Speech at the University of Ottawa. Canada

Third Congress of the Peoples of the North Caucasus. The work of the Committee for the Liberation of the Caucasus. Brussels

Congress of Peoples of the North Caucasus

Press conference.

Participating: Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Akhmed Zakaev and Minister of Foreign Affairs Inal Sherip. Presenter Inna Kurochkina

Iyad Youghar. Chairman of the International Council of Circassians. USA

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Hakan Cinaz. President of Circassian Benevolent Association. USA

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Anna Fotyga. Member of European Parliament. Poland

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Oleg Dunda. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Shamil Albakov. The voice of the Ingush people must be heard

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Inal Sherir. Conference in Kyiv. 105 years of the Mountain Republic

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Akhmed Zakaev. Historical speech in Kyiv

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Janusz Bugajski. Senior Fellow. Jamestown Foundation

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Luke Coffey. Senior Fellow. Hudson Institute USA

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Ilya Ponomarev. Brotherhood is born in battle

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

David Satter. Fellow Johns Hopkins University School. USA

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Rick Fawn. Professor University of St Andrews UK

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023

Frederick Starr. Founding Chairman Central Asia. Caucasus Institute USA

International Conference dedicated to the 105th Anniversary of Montanian Republic.

Kyiv 27 May 2023